Yes, it's a trailer. I think that when Daryl put it on this property 25 years ago he didn't foresee that it would be his primary home. I think it was intended to be a weekend and summer place. It's been very good for that, as well as a temporary home for family members who are between houses. But, now that he's retired and deserves to live on this beautiful piece of property, do we really want to live in a trailer?
Lake Whatcom Watershed has strict restrictions about what can and cannot be built on the lake. We had the option of taking this mobile home off the land and building new. The rules, though, were that whatever we built could not be moved to the left, to the right, any closer to the road or any closer to the lake, so, we had to stay on the same foot print that the trailer currently occupied. So, whatever we built was going to be the exact same size or be two story, which Daryl did not want. What he really wanted was a shop, and when we realized that the cost involved in removing the trailer could be better used for gutting and improving/remodeling it and also building a shop, it was pretty obvious what we would do. And, when it came down to analyzing the mobile home, it was already extremely efficient with new windows, new insulation and siding and the best floor plan I could ever imagine. So, we decided to keep it and work with it.
Working with it means we didn't dump it in a landfill, which is quite green of us! It also means that every cabinet has been removed and replaced with custom ones we love. It means that every doorknob and light fixture has been replaced, all the flooring has been replaced, decks and porches have been built, extensive landscaping, and every thing that could be changed has been changed. So, yeh, it's a trailer sitting on a million dollar lot but it's as close to perfect of a home as we could get.
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