Thursday, September 3, 2009

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Building a new shop allowed us to turn the 440 square foot garage into an apartment. I was very excited about this project for a couple of reasons. First, I did not want to sell so much of my own furniture from my house in town (which is now a rental). The biggest pieces found a home in the apartment. And second, I consider living here a mission in stewardship. How could one live in a place like this and not share it? Daryl's children and grandchildren have spent years of their lives on this property and how could we all be comfortable in a 1280 square foot home? Making the garage into an apartment seemed like a good idea, and so far, I think it is working. No one is complaining or said they would not come back. Our neighbors have stayed, my dad has stayed, our friends Fred and Ruth have stayed, and both Daryl's daughters and all five of the grandchildren have stayed. What remains to be completed is the floor and we're still deciding what would be the best surface for sand, dogs, wetsuits and sleeping bags.

If you come visit, I hope you will be very comfortable in this garage apartment!

Lots of light! The new people door and new garage door have windows so it definitely feels bright in this garage. I purchased the thick and heavy Irish linen on ebay and Tristan asked me why I made drapes out of potato sacks...
The white cabinet above the sink is the one Daryl made for my house in town. We've repurposed it here to hold all the dishes. The counter top is actually a wood door with fiberglass finish left over from one of his facilities. 1930s sink came from craigslist and Randy built a support for it. The Ikea bed is a bit wider than a queen and most people says it's pretty comfy!

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