Monday, April 12, 2010

We Three

The Saints of April
Todd Davis
Coltsfoot gives way to dandelion,
plum to apple blossom. Cherry fills
our woods, white petals melting
like the last late snow. Dogwood's
stigmata shine with the blood
of this season. How holy
forsythia and redbud are
as they consume their own
flowers, green leaves running
down their crowns. Here is
the shapeliness of bodies
newly formed, the rich cloth
that covers frail bones and hides
roots that hold fervently
to this dark earth.

City of Bellingham, Canadian Mountain Range, looking north from Chukanut Ridge.

Safety first!

Looking east to Mount Baker. Hidden but between the ridge and Baker is Lake Padden.

Living on the edge...

Bellingham Bay

The perfect hiking team!

Lummi, Sucia and the San Juans

Little Chukanut Island

Looking west toward Olympic Mountain Range and Skagit Valley

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