Monday, August 31, 2009

On the Trail

The old railroad line used to run right against the lake. It's been a trail for years. The neighbor's dog and I enjoyed the trail on a snowy day last winter.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. (Thoreau)

Winter Light and Hungry Birds

Daryl built a really great bird feeding station and so we've been feeding about two dozen different kinds of birds. Seems squirrels like it too!

So, one would think that winter light in the Pacific Northwest is dreary and dark but living next to a body of water means that everything is magnified and reflected, so, it doesn't really feel all that dark. Fortunately, born and raised here, I really enjoy the snugged in feeling of overcast skies and walls of misty fog. Of course, the crisp, clear cold days are beautiful too!

Paving the Driveway

Lake Whatcom Watershed required permeable pavers be laid - in exchange for the concrete we had poured for the shop foundation (only 10% of one's property can be non-permeable). And so, we ordered the pavers and found installers who worked in the snow. It was a long, difficult couple of months but very, very worth it.

Winter Holiday

I edged the dock and bulkhead with white lights and we were happily surprised to see them miles from home, twinkling through the brush that edges the lake, as we drove toward home each evening. An even better surprise was falling asleep each night watching the lights softly reflected on the very calm winter lake.
The light also attracted night feeding birds, such as this blue heron perched on the neighbor's floating log. Two herons hung around and beneath our docks for about chilly three weeks.

"If you wisely invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life. " (F.L. Wright)

The Beginning

This blog has been created to chronicle and celebrate the daily joy of living on the shores of Lake Whatcom. It's hoped that the friends and family whom I do not see often enough will be so intrigued that they will come visit me soon!

Most of the photos posted will include sunsets because that is one thing that I have taken photos of nearly every evening the first year of living here. It amazes me how each sunset is different and the effects of the changing light. So, there really is more to this blog than sunset photos! Not being a morning person, I realize I'm missing the joy of sunrise, but sunset offers something magical, as well. Plus, the skinny dipping is better at night!
For the first few months we lived here, if it was too cold or raining outside, we worked on projects inside, like gutting the entire house. Nearly every inch has been changed in some way.